
Enhancing fundraiser communications with card-linking

Communication not only strengthens the relationship between an organization and its donors but also plays a pivotal role in maintaining their support over time. See how card-linking can improve fundraiser's communication efforts.

In the competitive realm of raising funds, fundraisers must develop and cultivate relationships with donors to succeed over the long term.

The key here is communication, particularly the timely acknowledgment and appreciation of donations. In the process, a sense of value and trust is built between the donor and the organization, which can foster continued support.

In this article, we delve into the crucial role of communication with donors, showing how card-linking technologies offer innovative solutions that significantly streamline and enhance these interactions.

The critical role of acknowledging and thanking donors

This goes far beyond a transactional response; it is a core aspect of cementing a long-term relationship with a donor. It has been seen that donors keep donating, and the retention rates increase significantly if the donors feel appreciated and know how their donations are making a difference.

About 45% of donors will stop contributing after a year. What does this mean for a fundraiser? It means that their future revenue streams will be unpredictable, making it difficult to make long-term strategic decisions. What causes donors to stop giving? Overall, poor communication among donors experience that causes them to stop contributing. In fact, a survey outlined many reasons why doctors will stop giving after a year. Here are some notable reasons to consider:

  • 8% got no information about how monies were used,
  • 9% had no memory of supporting,
  • 13% never got thanked for donating.

Over time, this can amount to significant losses for fundraisers and should not be ignored.

These issues can be resolved through more effective communication strategies. Simple things like acknowledging each contribution donors make can add a personalized touch and increase retention rates. This goes far beyond a transactional response; it is a core aspect of cementing a long-term relationship with a donor.

So the question is, how can fundraisers effectively communicate with donors after every contribution? The answer lies in card-linking.

Fundraisers can easily achieve this through card-linking technology, where they communicate with their donors in real-time.

How card-linking technology can improve donor communication?

Card-linking has a myriad of benefits for fundraisers; it can increase accessibility to prospective donors, increase sustainable revenue, and personalize the donation process. To learn more about these benefits for fundraisers, check out Olive’s blog. However, this article's focus lies on fundraisers' ability to communicate effectively with their donors in real-time.

With card-linking technology, the moment a donation is made through a linked card, donors are instantly notified and can easily see the amount they have donated. The real-time acknowledgment not only confirms the transaction but also enhances the donor experience by providing immediate gratitude. For donors looking to make a long-term impact, these small notifications can help keep donors on track.

Card-linking enhances the relationship between an organization and donors, which would remain effective for sustainable donor support over time. An organization that has made investments in robust communication strategies, making sure that the donor support is secure and reliable, thereby fostering long-term engagement.

How Olive’s card-linking platform facilitates effective communication

Our card-linking platform revolutionizes the way fundraisers interact with their donors. Here's how:

Automatic Transaction Notifications: Olive's platform can automatically notify donors whenever they make a transaction that benefits a charitable cause. This real-time confirmation enhances transparency and reassures donors that their contributions are being directed as intended.

Personalized messages: Our platform allows organizations to send personalized thank-you messages immediately after a donation is processed. This not only streamlines the acknowledgment process but also makes the donor feel appreciated right at the moment of their contribution.

Celebrate milestones: Notify your donors when they reach certain donation milestones. For example, if a donor has reached their monthly donation goal, fundraisers can celebrate with donors. This can help show the accumulation of small donation goals to large ones.


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